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In 2005 the Farmer's Market Online email newsletter, a weekly feature from 1994 through 2004, was converted into a series of blogs available free of charge and without subscription. These blogs include.
Bites (Food news)
The Book Stall (Reviews of books & publications)
Contests (Listings for contests and drawings)
The Corral (Equine news and reviews)
Growth Spurts (Agricultural news leaks, breaks and releases)
Have You Tried...? (News of new and unusual products)
Here's How To... (Do-It-Yourself advice and instruction)
Home Grown (Tips and resources for farmers and gardeners)
Husbandry (News and developments in animal care and breeding)
In Season (Harvest information for fruits and vegetables)
Market Watch (Commodity reports)
Open Air (News about farmers' markets and open-air markets worldwide)
Recipe File (Recipes from the Farm Kitchen)
Rural Delivery (Commentary and advice on life in the country)